“The MAGA mind virus is a powerful thing”

Caitlin Clark bends the knee to an invisible mob

NO!!!! Caitlin, what HAPPENED here?? My God. What a fumble. Just so, soooooooooo, dumb. Unreal. God, kids are so insufferable in 2024. I mean, I just couldn’t imagine being in college/right out of college right now. 

It must be the worst. Gen-Zers are just the worst. 

Anyway, it’s all just completely unnecessary by Caitlin Clark. She’s bending the knee to a mob that nobody cares about anymore. 

Caitlin – we won! The sane people won. The good guys won. We don’t need to cater to the lunatics anymore. The left is DOA. It’s over. Sanity is back. 

Now, why did the best player in the WNBA – by a laughably wide margin – crumble like a cheap tent? I’m sure she was pressured by wackos behind the scenes to do so. 

so says Tomi Lahren

Kevin Drum, who clicked on a Fox News report on the commentary excerpted above, links to the Time cover story with the complete Caitlin Clark quote and offers his take:

Wow. I mean, sure, Clark mentioned white privilege in passing, and no self-respecting conservative can pass that up. But even for a MAGA die-hard doesn’t this seem a little overwrought? Is it that infuriating just to briefly acknowledge that Black people are pretty good basketball players? The MAGA mind virus is a powerful thing.