If Trump did suspend some laws and constitutional provisions, 52% of the public would be bothered a lot by this. This number is down from 65% who felt this way in June. Those who say they would be bothered a lot by this ranges from 77% of Democrats (down from 86% in June) to 55% of independents (down from 68%) and just 23% of Republicans (down from 41%).
“As recently as this week, Trump said those who investigated the Jan. 6 riot should go to jail. Still many Americans see this more as bombast than intent. If he is serious, however, he can probably bank on his fellow Republicans to stand behind him, or at least turn a blind eye,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute.
– Monmouth University Poll, December 12, 2024
When asked, “If Donald Trump did suspend some laws and constitutional provisions, would that bother you a lot, bother you a little, or not bother you at all?” Republican respondents were largely untroubled at the prospect of President Trump suspending provisions of the Constitution.
The chart below reveals Republican responses to the question:
23% – Bother a lot
34% – Bother a little
36% – Not bother at all
Remember when (before Newt Gingrich, Fox News Channel, the 2008 presidential election results, and before Donald Trump rode down the golden escalator) Republicans were the law and order party?