
You’ve stumbled onto my blog, which isn’t intended for a wide audience.

I’m an old liberal who became fascinated by American politics as a teenager. I love this country. I revere our democracy (though it is imperfect — and we’re backsliding) and the freedoms we enjoy (though they are threatened). I feel fortunate to have been born in mid-twentieth century America and to have a life here.

This blog focuses on the Trump era, the turn of the Republican Party in an authoritarian direction, and the massive gap that has developed between the richest among us and everyone else. I’m appalled by what I’ve witnessed since the rise of Newt Gingrich and Fox News Channel more than a quarter century ago.

In addition to politics, I have an intellectual interest in human nature and tribal affinities. What a confounding species we are. How did Americans end up in sharply divided red and blue camps? I take it for granted that the explanation will be found in our evolutionary history. (Hey, it’s my blog and my intellectual journey.)

My posts are more or less journal entries. I claim no special talent or credentials as an observer or analyst — just an interest in what’s happening. I find it convenient to set down my thoughts in a blog that permits cutting and pasting and linking to the web, and with a handy search function, making it easy to return to previous thoughts or arguments. I’ve learned just enough WordPress to put up this simple site.

nofreetote.com is my way of making sense of things.

Eventually I’ll add a blogroll or favorite news sources and commentators to direct other readers (who may stumble onto this site) who deserve better commentary than I can offer.